Sunday, November 6, 2011

St. Mathews Craft Fair

    Craft Sale yesterday was good. I forgot the camera so that was a let down. I did have someone that came by and asked about if I would consider vending at Art in the Park an they asked for permission to take a photo for their reference of my booth. This is a great compliment. An yes I have been asked once before but it is a expensive show that I was afraid that I could not afford. She told me that I could rent a half booth and the fees she quoted me I felt I could handle so I am strongly thinking of doing it. After all I have been asked twice now they must think I have something don't you think?? Since I was a last min sign up for this show I was out in the hallway. The hallway was filled but still did not carry as much traffic as inside the gym. Also the hallway is much colder because of the doors then the gym. I think I would of doubled my sales if I would have been in the gym. So I put in a request for the next sale there. Sales where not horrible though and I did make a new friend. She was a vender next to me. She sells screen printed T'shirts & sweat shirts. She had some really cute stuff. She has goats at home and that is how we started talking because of my soap making :) She invited my girls and I to come over and see them. I will talk more about this later in another post.

    I had a lot of great customers come by. For the most part I kept busy. I had a few soap requests so I will have to work on them so when Art in the Park comes up in the Spring they will be available. Even a lot of great comments from some saying that they have received my soaps in the pasts as gifts and how much they liked them. Its always nice to hear feedback. Even one older lady commented she had gotten one as a gift and she liked the smell of it so much she uses it to scent things. She said she's had it for like two years now. The day went by really fast and turned out to be a great day! Oh and to top the day off I even had a job offer so we will see what will become of that.

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